
How to Refinish Reclaimed Wood

How to Clean Reclaimed Wood (and make certain it'south bug-free!)

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How to clean reclaimed wood (and make sure it's bug-free!) before you bring it into your home or RV |

I have an obsession with reclaimed wood. It's my weakness.

In fact, relieve architectural yards are some of my favorite places to visit during our travels.

I find it somewhat hilarious that I can be such a germaphobe all the same volition dig through a pile of old wood without hesitation.

Eric ofttimes has to run after me and remind me to exist careful, but I'm similar a child in a candy store and his words autumn on deaf ears.

Millwood Furnishings Reclaimed Wood near Tahoe |

How to make clean reclaimed wood

With that said, at that place's no telling what's caked on or living in that beautiful forest, which is why cleaning it is an important step earlier bringing it into your home or RV.

We've learned a thing or two over the years, generally through trial and error, so I wanted to share some tips on how to clean reclaimed wood, and make sure information technology's bug-free!

Nosotros've put together a video going over some of these methods, which you tin lookout man below:

Condom First!

When working with reclaimed woods it's a good idea to wear eye protection, a dust mask, and heavy-duty gloves. And be sure to carefully remove any old nails or fasteners.

Nail in Reclaimed Wood |

My biggest takeaway from cleaning reclaimed wood:

We've created several projects using reclaimed wood, from the aureate wall hangings in our previous home to countless projects in our RV, including our kitchen cabinets.

The most important lesson I've learned with reclaimed wood is when to lightly clean information technology vs. give it a scrub or sand down. And unfortunately, I learned this the difficult way.

Years agone, when I started cleaning reclaimed wood, I would sand information technology down with a hand sander, which would get rid of that beautiful patina and some of the character.

Or I would lose the patina from scrubbing it down, and the variation in color is what drew me to it in the first identify.

What was I thinking?!

And so I went so light with the cleaning or sanding that I didn't remove as much of the dirt as I would have liked.

So I guess it'south all about finding that happy medium, only mostly understanding what you desire from the wood earlier you start, and then use the method that will help you achieve that goal.

Just retrieve that once the patina comes off, you can't add it back.

Reclaimed Wood Patina |

How to Make clean Reclaimed Wood – Professional person Options

Before I dive into the process nosotros generally use at dwelling, here are some other options you may want to keep in heed:

  • Kiln-Stale Wood
  • Have it Milled Down


If you're researching shops that sell reclaimed wood, you may want to ask if they kiln dry out the forest. This is essentially storing the woods in a kiln (retrieve of information technology as a large oven) for a sure menstruum time to remove the moisture. This procedure can be expensive, boring, and time-consuming depending on the type of wood and thickness needing to exist dried out. This is why woods that has been kiln-stale is often more than expensive than wood existence sold as-is.

The price may be worth it to yous though because kiln-stale wood is basically sanitized through the process, and whatsoever bugs or leaner that may have been living within of it, will be dead.

This means all you really have to worry most is cleaning up the advent of the wood or finishing information technology. If using the wood indoors and you want to keep the patina (which is often the case for buying it in the outset place), then you won't take much to worry near. If you program to use information technology outside, then you may desire to treat it for insects to forestall future issues, but I'll touch on that in a minute.

I recommend checking with the possessor of the wood you're buying from to see if the wood has been kiln-dried, or if they have that service available. In my experience, the businesses that specialize in selling reclaimed materials to interior designers or architects, tend to exist the ones that generally use a kiln, which is why the pricing is higher than wood you may observe at your local antiquarian mall, but again, it's a good idea to ask and so you know for sure.

If it's non, and they don't have a kiln (kilns are expensive and not all businesses have them on location), then yous may want to call effectually to see if at that place's one nearby. While a local business may have one, they still may exist wary of taking on a minor-batch or custom order, or accuse a premium for the service, simply due to the fourth dimension required.

Side Note: If you've always wondered why the wood at your favorite lumber yard or hardware store isn't the dimensions it states, like a 2×4 is actually a i.5×iii.five, information technology's because the wood went into the kiln this size, only afterwards losing moisture information technology shrank.

Air-Dried vs. Kiln-Dried

In my experience, the wood from lumber yards, salvage yards, or sawmills has been air-dried, but non always kiln stale.

What does that mean? Information technology basically means the wood has been sorted and stored exterior to air dry naturally. This takes much longer than the kiln process, but is less expensive and supposedly makes the wood easier to work with vs. kiln-dried woods, which may be a tad more frail. I don't know this from experience, merely from what I've read. Still, while a decent amount of moisture may have been removed, it doesn't kill off any bugs that may be living inside. And while the sunday beating on the forest can help with sanitation, information technology may not exist equally effective as the kiln.

Tip: You lot can utilise a moisture meter to meet how much moisture is left within the wood you cull.

Stack of reclaimed wood air drying |

Milled Woods

If yous don't need to show all sides of the reclaimed wood, you may want to consider having at least one side milled downward.

Milling the wood is what generally makes it apartment and foursquare, although if yous only go ane side milled down it will be flat, but doesn't necessarily make information technology square.

Not only does this process create a cleaner surface on the milled side, but information technology tin can save A TON of weight because yous can accept it milled downwardly pretty thin. This is what we did for all of the reclaimed wood in our RV, and is how we've been able to use cute woods rich in history without stressing about adding likewise much weight.

Having reclaimed wood milled down |

However, simply because it's created a cleaner surface on ane side, doesn't mean information technology has gotten rid of any critters that may be living inside.

If y'all're familiar with companies such equally Stikwood or Plank and Manufacturing plant, their woods has already been both kiln-dried AND milled down, making it safety and easy to work with. This is also why it costs more, but you get what you lot pay for and it can definitely exist worth it!

Cleaning Reclaimed Wood at home

if you lot already have a piece of reclaimed forest and just wanna get information technology cleaned up at dwelling, here are some methods to consider:

  • Force per unit area Washer
  • Hose, Bristle Brush, and Soapy Water
  • Steamer
  • Wire Brush
  • Sand Paper

Pressure Washer

I'll exist honest and say nosotros've never used this method, but if we ever take on a bigger project we admittedly will!

Not simply is this a elementary and constructive method, just information technology can actually assist save on time. And if you don't have a pressure washer, you can rent one from Abode Depot pretty inexpensively.

Some tips to go along in mind are to go on the nozzle at least a foot away from your wood and then you don't impairment it or lose also much of the patina. This is also why information technology'southward important you keep the force per unit area washer on the lowest setting. I would test it from fifty-fifty farther away and see how it goes.

It'south of import you make sure the weather is in your favor considering you'll want to let the wood dry out in the sun for at to the lowest degree a day, probably 2 to be safety.

Hose, bristle brush, and a bucket of soapy water

This is the method nosotros're about familiar with considering it's how we more often than not clean our reclaimed woods. It can be labor-intensive, but it's cost-constructive and works wonders in cleaning up the woods.

I recommend setting the woods upwards on sawhorses (or makeshift sawhorses) and rinsing them downward with a hose and nozzle. Afterward rinsing all sides, scrub the boards down with soapy water – we use dish soap. Y'all may demand to refresh the soapy water depending on how gross it gets.

Afterward, rinse the boards back downward and let them air dry in the sun for one-2 days. More or less time may be necessary depending on the length and thickness of the woods.

I don't know how much it does or doesn't help, only I likewise add a little bit of borax to our soapy h2o. I figure if it helps clean laundry, then it may assist clean the wood.

How to clean reclaimed wood (and make sure it's bug-free!) before you bring it into your home or RV |

How to Clean Reclaimed Wood without losing the Patina

If you're worried most removing also much of the color or patina that's built up onto the woods, then y'all may wanna skip scrubbing the wood downwardly too harshly. Here are another methods to assistance disinfect the wood, or lightly clean information technology upward:


We more often than not use our steamer on our reclaimed wood to help sanitize it. This also helps make clean up some of the caked-on dirt without completely taking off the patina. The only issue with the steamer is it doesn't deep make clean the wood or remove whatever bugs that may be living within, so that's something to keep in mind.

Cleaning Reclaimed Wood with a Steamer |

Wire Brush

We about e'er go over our reclaimed wood with a wire brush before sanding. Not just can this help loosen up any clay, but it'due south a smashing fashion to lightly clean up the wood without removing the beautiful patina that made you choose it in the first place.

Cleaning reclaimed wood with a wire brush |

Sand Paper

If y'all want to lightly make clean the wood, or make information technology experience smoother, hand sanding is the manner to go. Using a palm sander may be too harsh or remove too much of the patina, so hand sanding may exist a better place to start.

Cleaning reclaimed wood with sandpaper |

Removing or Preventing Bugs in Reclaimed Wood

I'll admit the thought of bugs living in the woods we bring within gives me the heebie jeebies, but it obviously hasn't kept me from using reclaimed wood in our projects.

In fact, of all the projects we've created, there was only i time I actually saw a bug on a piece of reclaimed wood. This was several years ago and it was a board I had picked upward from an antique mall. I was so freaked out I didn't apply information technology, simply it was a skillful reminder for me to advisedly inspect the wood I buy and to brand certain I clean information technology well.

So when you don't know how old the wood is or where it came from, information technology's ameliorate to exist safe than sorry.

Reclaimed Rough Hewn Skins |

Here are some options, and don't forget nigh the kiln-dried method mentioned earlier.

  • Kiln-Dried
  • Commercial Products
  • Oven
  • Freezer
  • Borax

Commercial Products

The two virtually popular solutions I've read about are Bora-Care and Timbor.  You spray or "paint" them onto the woods. Bora-Care kills any existing bugs, and prevents time to come ones, merely tin can get expensive. Timbor doesn't get rid of bugs currently living in the wood, but it does prevent them moving forrard.

Both products tend to get adept reviews, just we've never used them then I recommend doing your enquiry and checking what chemicals may be included and if you're comfortable using them.

DIY Options for getting rid of bugs:

Here are some simple solutions you can try from home to make sure there are no critters living inside the reclaimed wood.


We've used this method in the past for smaller projects, specifically anything to exercise with wood slices, similar our Christmas ornaments or forest slice fine art. The oven acts every bit a small kiln, but you want to exist very cautious if you plan to bake your wood in the oven. Brand sure it'southward on a cookie sheet, that none of the wood is touching, and that your oven is on the lowest setting. And I'd definitely make certain you can keep an eye on it.

Whenever nosotros used this process in the past I would generally go out the slices in the oven for well-nigh 20 minutes, or sometimes upwardly to an hr. I don't know the exact science behind this, so I kinda just did what I thought would work and never had issues. You may want to research it a bit deeper.


This is a method I take yet to try, but evidently placing the woods in a ziplock bag and storing it inside the freezer for a few days will kill off any living bugs. This seems easier than the oven method, but I've read discrepancies with this method because some bugs live in extreme common cold and can withstand freezing temps. I don't know the validity of this info, simply I practice honey how easy it is, and so if you've tried it or know information technology works, let me know!


This is the method we utilize because it's easy, cost-effective, and from what we tin tell, information technology's worked great! While borax isn't technically toxic, y'all do want to be conscientious, especially if using it around kids or pets. It can also apparently kill grass, so if you're doing this outside, you may want to put a driblet fabric or some towels down.

I've read various ratios all over the spider web, but we add 1 teaspoon of borax to a container, then add 8oz of warm water to the container and stir it up. You want to make sure the borax has completely dissolved. Nosotros and then pour the mixture into a spray bottle and mist the reclaimed wood with the mixture.

This is supposed to impale off any living critters in the wood AND foreclose insect infestations from happening in the future.

Later on you've sprayed the wood down, you want to let it sit down in the sun for a couple of days so it's completely dry out.

With your forest clean and bug-free, information technology'due south ready to be used in that next project, and finished to your liking, yay!

How to remove bugs from reclaimed wood with Borax |

And if you're curious, here's the reclaimed wood installed around our RV slide-out, which we sealed with Tung Oil:

additional resources

Here are some of the resources I've come up across when researching how to clean reclaimed wood, in case you want to dig a little further:

Drying wood in the oven | The Plywood

How to Treat Reclaimed Forest for Bugs | Brand From Woods

How to Care for Reclaimed Forest with Borax | Crouch

I really hope you found these tips on how to make clean reclaimed wood helpful, or that they help point you in the direction of what to enquiry further.

Exercise you lot have experience with whatsoever of these methods or a dissimilar solution you want to share? We would dearest to hear about it!

How to clean reclaimed wood (and make sure it's bug-free!) before you bring it into your home or RV | How to clean reclaimed wood (and make sure it's bug-free!) before you bring it into your home or RV | How to clean reclaimed wood (and make sure it's bug-free!) before you bring it into your home or RV | How to clean reclaimed wood (and make sure it's bug-free!) before you bring it into your home or RV |

How to Clean Reclaimed Wood (and make sure it\'s bug-free!)


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